Welcome to FILExt, one of the oldest and most respected compendia on file extensions

Over the past 20 years, FILExt has helped more than 50 million users identify, open or view unknown files.

Opening and Analyzing Files
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Using FILExt.com

Simply drag and drop a file onto the FILExt website. FILExt will then analyze the file type and immediately preview the file online. Our file preview recognizes thousands of file types and our database contains detailed information about almost every file extension there is. If you want to find out about a specific file extension, please use the search box at the top right of the page.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Number | Symbol
opening a file extension

You can't open a file?

FILExt helps you if you can not open a file on your computer or cell phone. For this purpose, not only our innovative Online File Viewer is at your side, but also one of the world's largest databases on file formats. This way you can find out which software programs and apps you can use to open, edit or convert any file.

Experience and trust

Tom Simondi, the famous software pioneer of the 80s, created FILExt at the turn of the millennium. FILExt not only gained fame by being the first and foremost website for file types but also because Microsoft directed all Windows users to FILExt for unknown file formats starting in 2001.

One step ahead

We offer a wide range of services relating to files. In addition to providing one of the most comprehensive manually maintained file databases out there, we can also offer you high-quality tools and an online file viewer for an ever increasing number of different file types. Our modern infrastructure also manages large quantities of data in a very short amount of time.

Recognized by experts

FILExt is recommended in many computer manuals and is held in high esteem by experts. Among others, the New York Times refers to FILExt for files that are difficult to open.

Watch FILExt grow.

We currently have 26,114 records in the main database; 51,627 registered filetype records; and, 16,431 records in the Program/MIME type database.

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